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Intel­liSOFT has been involved in design­ing, devel­op­ing and imple­ment­ing health infor­ma­tion sys­tems in Kenya since 2009. The com­pa­ny has cut itself a niche in pro­vid­ing ser­vices, exper­tise and prod­ucts focused around health man­age­ment infor­ma­tion sys­tems and health research infor­ma­tion sys­tems with its first project being devel­op­ment of a Clin­i­cal Tri­als Reg­istry for the Kenya Med­ical Research Insti­tute (KEMRI) and the Phar­ma­cy and Poi­sons Board (PPB). In the year 2012, Intel­liSOFT han­dled three major con­tracts from I‑TECH Kenya, CDC-Foun­da­tion, and Man­age­ment Sci­ences for Health (MSH). Details of those con­tracts are pro­vid­ed below:

Project: PSI-FHIR Implementation for Remote stewardship of health providers, MPHD Uganda

Project Brief:  Intel­liSOFT work­ing with PSI MOMENTUM Pri­vate Health­care Deliv­ery (MPHD), a con­sor­tium of part­ners, is part­ner­ing with the Ugan­da MoH to enable the shar­ing of stew­ard­ship infor­ma­tion (sup­port super­vi­sion, capac­i­ty build­ing and licens­ing sta­tus) on pri­vate providers between stew­ards (dis­trict health teams, reg­u­la­to­ry coun­cils, MOH teams and Imple­ment­ing part­ners) to coor­di­nate and enable effi­cien­cy in pro­vi­sion of sup­port. It also seeks to enable two-way infor­ma­tion shar­ing between stew­ards and health work­ers.

Impact: Expand­ing the pub­lic-pri­vate part­ner­ships, by con­ven­ing pub­lic and pri­vate sec­tor stake­hold­ers under MoH’s lead­er­ship, to explore dig­i­tal remote engage­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for stew­ard­ship across the sec­tors in line with WHO’s rec­om­men­da­tion that ‘Giv­en the demand for pri­vate sec­tor ser­vice deliv­ery, Min­istries of Health need to stew­ard a mixed health sys­tem, not just the pub­lic sec­tor’.

Project: Large Language Models (September 2023 to date)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT Con­sult­ing Lim­it­ed has been fund­ed by the Bill and Melin­da Gates Foun­da­tion through the Glob­al Grand Chal­lenges to con­duct a A Proof of Con­cept study on the use of Large Lan­guage Mod­els as a health inter­ven­tion for pro­mo­tive and pre­ven­tive health in Non-Com­mu­ni­ca­ble Dis­ease Risk Fac­tors (NCDs) among Kenyan Youth. Intel­liSOFT has devel­oped an AI-Pow­ered tool that lever­ages Chat­G­PT and Bard out of the box and pack­aged the two in an android appli­ca­tion with a user friend­ly inter­face that includes WHO approved health infor­graph­ics that prompt the users to engage with the AI tools. Intel­liSOFT is work­ing with researchers from Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty,  Chil­drens Hos­pi­tal, USA and the Nation­al Can­cer Insti­tute of Kenya in imple­ment­ing this project.

Impact: Build­ing up on Intel­liSOFT­’s  expe­ri­ence and exper­tise adopt­ing AI for health and con­tribut­ing to the democ­ra­ti­za­tion of AI in health.

Project: PharmAccess MamaToto(September 2023 to date)

Project Brief: Phar­mA­c­cess Mam­a­To­to project aims to scale up the Mom­Care project by enrolling preg­nant moth­ers in Nairo­bi. The project involves self-enroll­ment through What­sApp and enroll­ment through clin­ics, focus­ing on mea­sur­ing suc­cess through high con­ver­sion rates and com­ple­tion of ante­na­tal vis­its. Intel­liSOFT will be devel­op­ing the SHR, set­ting up the nec­es­sary infra­struc­ture and pro­vid­ing ongo­ing man­age­ment and sup­port.

Impact: To enable cap­tur­ing and access of the med­ical records for preg­nant women who are enrolled on mTi­ba. Scal­ing up the Mom­Care project in Nairo­bi using a Shared Health Record (SHR) and Health Infor­ma­tion Exchange (HIE) infra­struc­ture will improve mater­nal health­care out­comes, ensur­ing seam­less access to med­ical records and pro­mot­ing ante­na­tal vis­it com­ple­tion

Project: IGAD Regional Health Data Sharing and Protection Policy Framework (January 2023 to date)

Project Brief:Intel­liSOFT is part of a con­sor­tium that aims to estab­lish a clear frame­work for data pro­tec­tion and shar­ing across IGAD mem­ber states. The goal of this pol­i­cy domes­ti­ca­tion tech­ni­cal assis­tance project is to pro­vide exper­tise and sup­port to gov­ern­ments of the IGAD mem­ber states in adopt­ing and adapt­ing the IGAD Region­al Health Data Shar­ing and Pro­tec­tion Pol­i­cy Frame­work to their spe­cif­ic con­text. The project aims to facil­i­tate the process of trans­form­ing the region­al pol­i­cy into local laws and reg­u­la­tions that can be effec­tive­ly imple­ment­ed and enforced.

Impact: Enhanced shar­ing of data between mem­ber states at var­i­ous lev­els. pro­mot­ing con­ti­nu­ity of care, improved epi­dem­ic con­trol and enhanced pub­lic health plan­ning.

Project: CDC TAP: HIV SMART Guidelines (June 2023 to date)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT is part of a con­sor­tium lead­ing the devel­op­ment and test­ing of L1 and L2 arti­facts for a select sub­set of MER indi­ca­tors. Intel­liSOFT is also lead­ing stake­hold­er engage­ments and sen­si­ti­za­tion on SMART guide­lines.

Impact: Cre­ate aware­ness, capac­i­ty, and buy-in of SMART Guide­lines

Project: Chanjo KE (September 2023 to date)

Project Brief: PATH – Dig­i­tal Square (DSQ) through USAID has con­tract­ed Intel­liSOFT Con­sult­ing Lim­it­ed to under­take work in enhanc­ing the cur­rent Chan­joKE Sys­tem. Chan­joKE is a sys­tem that was used by the Min­istry of Health-Kenya in response and sur­veil­lance to the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic, which includ­ed admin­is­ter­ing the vac­cines. MOH intends to use the enhanced Elec­tron­ic Immu­niza­tion Reg­istry tool to admin­is­ter all rou­tine immu­niza­tion in Kenya and issue WHO DDCC glob­al­ly rec­og­nized vac­ci­na­tion cer­tifi­cates. The sys­tem will lever­age on World Health Orga­ni­za­tion SMART Guide­lines for immu­niza­tion and the FHIR stan­dard to ensure inter­op­er­abil­i­ty with oth­er Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems to aid the nation­al deci­sion-mak­ing process in the nation­al immu­niza­tion pro­grammes.

Impact: The imple­men­ta­tion of this project will help in strength­en­ing Dig­i­tal Health for Rou­tine Immu­niza­tion in Kenya. This will lead to improved avail­abil­i­ty and use of high-qual­i­ty data for rou­tine immu­niza­tion man­age­ment and also pro­mote the devel­op­ment of a resilient health sys­tem.

Project: WHO Cybersecurity, Confidentiality and Privacy Guidelines (June 2023 to date)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT is con­tract­ed by WHO to devel­op cyber­se­cu­ri­ty, con­fi­den­tial­i­ty, and pri­va­cy guid­ance and toolk­its for Low- and Mid­dle-Income Coun­tries.

Impact: It is expect­ed that this work will sup­port audi­ences across coun­tries in plan­ning and imple­ment­ing patient-cen­tric, indi­vid­ual-lev­el sys­tems that are secure, con­fi­den­tial, and pri­vate.

Project: Determining the Total Cost of Ownership of Digital Health Interventions (June 2023 to date)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT was award­ed fund­ing from PATH to deter­mine the costs of devel­op­ing, deploy­ing, and oper­at­ing a dig­i­tal health inter­ven­tion using the TCO tool devel­oped by PATH and BMGF. Intel­liSOFT will be study­ing the Nation­al Can­cer Reg­istry of Kenya in this Study.

Impact: By pro­vid­ing insights into the costs of dig­i­tal health inter­ven­tions, this study will pro­vide stake­hold­ers with the infor­ma­tion they need to plan and resource this trans­for­ma­tion.

Project: Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) Surveillance Systems (June 2023 to date)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT was con­tract­ed by FIND to devel­op dig­i­tal tools for Antimi­cro­bial Resis­tance (AMR) and Hos­pi­tal Acquired Infec­tions (HAI) sur­veil­lance to be rolled out in Makueni Coun­ty Teach­ing and Refer­ral Hos­pi­tal and PCEA Kikuyu Hos­pi­tal respec­tive­ly.

Impact:These sys­tems are expect­ed to improve the col­lec­tion, avail­abil­i­ty and shar­ing of qual­i­ty AMR and HAI data to improve pub­lic health response and inform nation­al efforts in address­ing AMR and HAI.

Project: Digital Health Ecosystem Project (January 2023 to date)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT was fund­ed by PATH, in part­ner­ship with Medic to expand their dig­i­tal health solu­tions for com­mu­ni­ty health. Through this project Intel­liSOFT is devel­op­ing a phar­ma­covig­i­lance mod­ule for CHTand putting togeth­er Mama’s Hub mate­ri­als and doc­u­men­ta­tion to guide inte­gra­tion into eCHIS.

Impact: Change the way dig­i­tal tools for com­mu­ni­ty health are built and deployed through a glob­al net­work build­ing on the Medic-stew­ard­ed Com­mu­ni­ty Health Toolk­it (CHT) and also sup­port local dig­i­tal health orga­ni­za­tions build scal­able and sus­tain­able busi­ness mod­els.

Project: Pharmaceutical Strengthening Systems Insight (PSS Insight V2)(December 2022 — March 2023)

Project Brief: The MTaPS pro­gram, imple­ment­ed by Man­age­ment Sci­ences for Health, is a five-year pro­gram (2018–2023) fund­ed by the U.S. Agency for Inter­na­tion­al Devel­op­ment (USAID) to pro­vide phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal sys­tem strength­en­ing assis­tance for sus­tained improve­ments in health sys­tem per­for­mance and to advance USAID’s goals of pre­vent­ing child and mater­nal deaths, con­trol­ling the HIV/AIDS epi­dem­ic, com­bat­ing infec­tious dis­ease threats, and  expand­ing essen­tial health cov­er­age.

Intel­liSOFT Con­sult­ing has been sub­con­tract­ed to lead the devel­op­ment of PSS Insight v2.0 which is a web-based appli­ca­tion that will allow coun­try-lev­el deci­sion-mak­ers to mea­sure phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal sys­tems strength­en­ing over time and assess progress against estab­lished bench­marks. It will also include a mobile inter­face to allow for offline data cap­ture and syn­chro­niza­tion using smart­phones.. The tool will con­sist of 38 well-estab­lished and val­i­dat­ed indi­ca­tors includ­ing bench­marks to allow coun­tries to com­pare their results. The tool will rely on data from sec­ondary sources and key infor­mant inter­views at the cen­tral lev­el.

Impact: The PSS Insight v2.0 tool will pro­vide a cross-sec­tion­al assess­ment of the func­tion­ing of crit­i­cal phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal sys­tem com­po­nents, key sys­tem attrib­ut­es, and out­comes. By com­pil­ing and ana­lyz­ing phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal sys­tems data, the tool will allow coun­tries to iden­ti­fy areas that are work­ing and those that need improve­ment and addi­tion­al resources. Trends com­par­i­son across coun­tries will also allow bench­mark­ing between the coun­tries and iden­ti­fy front-run­ners from whom best prac­tices can be obtained. 

Project: Country Health Information Systems and Data Use (CHISU) (October 2022 to Date)

Project Brief: The CHISU project is a USAID-fund­ed pro­gram led by John Snow Inc (JSI) and part­ner orga­ni­za­tions includ­ing RTI Inter­na­tion­al, Vital Strate­gies, Macro-Eyes, Jem­bi Health Sys­tems, and the Glob­al Eval­u­a­tion and Mon­i­tor­ing Net­work for Health. CHISU has been rolled out in sev­er­al coun­tries and is aimed at strength­en­ing coun­try capac­i­ty, lead­er­ship, and self-reliance to man­age and use high-qual­i­ty health infor­ma­tion sys­tems to improve evi­dence-based deci­sion-mak­ing.

In Indone­sia, CHISU focus­es on offer­ing sup­port to the Min­istry of Health (Pus­datin and DTO) by intro­duc­ing mech­a­nisms for data users and pro­duc­ers to move from data to action and sup­port­ing the increase in the use of data from mul­ti­ple sources through Indone­sia Health Ser­vices’ plat­form SATUSEHAT. Intel­liSOFT has been sub­con­tract­ed by Jem­bi Health Sys­tems to offer tech­ni­cal assis­tance for set­ting up the Nation­al Ter­mi­nol­o­gy Ser­vice for Indone­sia and lead the devel­op­ment of the Inter­op­er­abil­i­ty Roadmap. 

Impact: CHISU aims to strength­en Indone­si­a’s health infor­ma­tion sys­tem to pos­i­tive­ly affect the achieve­ment of mater­nal and new­born Health as well as tuber­cu­lo­sis out­comes, increase pri­vate and pub­lic sec­tors’ data and infor­ma­tion avail­able for stake­hold­ers, build HIS lead­er­ship capac­i­ty, and encour­age the use of health data for health pro­grams deci­sion mak­ing.

Project: Open Data Kit ‑X (ODK‑X) Enhancement(August 2022 to September 2022)

Project Brief: In response to the call in the  Glob­al Goods Inno­va­tors com­mu­ni­ty to improve, advance or enhance the broad­er glob­al good com­mu­ni­ty and tools, Intel­liSOFT has re-engi­neered (design and soft­ware devel­op­ment) the Open Data Kit ‑X (ODK‑X), an open-source tool designed for data col­lec­tion and man­age­ment in resource-con­strained set­tings. The re-engi­neer­ing done by Intel­liSOFT includ­ed enhanc­ing the user expe­ri­ence through the nav­i­ga­tion process, improv­ing user man­age­ment, and min­i­miz­ing secu­ri­ty risks.

Demo: www.github.com/IntelliSOFT-Consulting/odk-x-auth/wiki/Project-Brief

Impact:  The improved and sim­pli­fied user man­age­ment expe­ri­ence and secure cre­den­tial gen­er­a­tion make it eas­i­er for tech­ni­cal and non-tech­ni­cal team mem­bers to use the ODK‑X. This is in line with the over­all goal of the ODK‑X tools to elim­i­nate the need for any soft­ware engi­neer­ing skills when design­ing and using data man­age­ment appli­ca­tions in a bid to pro­pel social impact

Project: AfCFTA-anchored Pharma Initiative(August 2022 to September 2022)

Project Brief:  Intel­liSOFT Con­sult­ing Lim­it­ed was con­tract­ed by UNECA through CHS advi­so­ry to design and devel­op an infor­ma­tion-shar­ing dash­board for the AfCF­TA Anchored Phar­ma Ini­tia­tive which is part of the imple­men­ta­tion process for the Cen­tral­ized Pooled Pro­cure­ment Mech­a­nism (CPPM). The infor­ma­tion shar­ing dash­board fea­tures key social, eco­nom­ic, and pro­cure­ment data met­rics for 10 pilot African coun­tries which include Sey­chelles, Mada­gas­car, Comoros, Mau­ri­tius, Dji­bouti, Eritrea, Rwan­da Sudan, Kenya, and Ethiopia anchored at IGAD. The data­base show­cas­es Repro­duc­tive, Mater­nal, and Child Health Prod­ucts (RMNCH) prod­ucts under this pro­to­type.


Impact:  The infor­ma­tion shar­ing data­base pro­vides data on key phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal sec­tor indi­ca­tors includ­ing infor­ma­tion on the reg­u­la­to­ry sta­tus and local man­u­fac­ture of med­i­cines in mem­ber states and allows the pub­lic to view and explore inter­ac­tive charts and visu­als, and also pro­vides access to the data acqui­si­tion. This is the first step towards pooled pro­cure­ment and local pro­duc­tion of phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal prod­ucts. 

Project:  Local Health System Sustainability(July 2022 to Date)

Project Brief: The LHSS activ­i­ty is build­ing upon the efforts of Cross Bor­der Health Inte­grat­ed Part­ner­ship Project (CB-HIPP) in dig­i­tiz­ing cross-bor­der health sys­tems and improv­ing their inter­op­er­abil­i­ty. Cross-bor­der Dig­i­tal Health Solu­tion has inter­con­nect­ed health facil­i­ties and health sys­tems to enable applic­a­ble data shar­ing across select­ed bor­der facil­i­ties (with­in and across bor­ders) in the cross-bor­der areas and enhanced link­age with local, nation­al, and region­al data ware­hous­es includ­ing DHIS2 and oth­er EMRS in use in the select­ed facil­i­ties. Intel­liSOFT is pro­vid­ing tech­ni­cal lead­er­ship in improv­ing and dig­i­tiz­ing cross-bor­der health infor­ma­tion sys­tems in cross-bor­der areas work­ing direct­ly with the field team, the Health Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems Pro­gram (HiSP) in Kenya, and with rel­e­vant region­al and cross-bor­der stake­hold­ers dur­ing plan­ning, per­for­mance review, and learn­ing.

 Impact: Increased access to and use of afford­able and con­tin­u­ous qual­i­ty health care in cross-bor­der, hence, improv­ing the health of vul­ner­a­ble and mobile pop­u­la­tions cross­ing bor­ders in the region.

Project: Integrated Oncology Electronic Health Information System(June 2022 to December 2022)

Project Brief: The Nation­al Can­cer Con­trol Pro­gram (NCCP) aims to strength­en the mon­i­tor­ing and eval­u­a­tion (M&E) com­po­nent of the pro­gram in align­ment with the Nation­al Can­cer Con­trol Strat­e­gy 2017–2022. Intel­liSOFT is pro­vid­ing close sup­port to Savan­nah Infor­mat­ics Glob­al Health Insti­tute and Clin­ton Health to devel­op a cus­tomised Oncol­o­gy mod­ule on an open source ser­vice deliv­ery EMR (KenyaEMR), an inte­grat­ed data col­lec­tion, trans­mis­sion and man­age­ment sys­tem (DHIS2) with both impact­ing the can­cer care con­tin­u­um.

Impact: The Oncol­o­gy Mod­ule will strength­en the capac­i­ty for clin­i­cal data input, access and use across var­i­ous stake­hold­ers and extend M&E cov­er­age to the entire can­cer con­trol con­tin­u­um for informed clin­i­cal qual­i­ty improve­ment and adher­ence to clin­i­cal guide­lines.


Project : NewBorn Nutrition Digital Adaptation Kit (NNDAK) (May 2022 to September 2022)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT has been con­tract­ed by PATH to devel­op a mobile appli­ca­tion uti­liz­ing require­ments from the New­born Nutri­tion Dig­i­tal Adap­ta­tion Kit, that stream­lines data col­lec­tion for new­born nutri­tion and visu­al­izes this data to opti­mize clin­i­cal deci­sion mak­ing. This equips moth­ers and health­care providers with infor­ma­tion and real time feed­back to adapt prac­tices with the aim of pro­vi­sion of life­sav­ing milk to new­borns. 

Impact: At the local lev­el, with 36,000 births occur­ring every year and 150 health­care work­ers across mul­ti­ple wards-new­born units, mater­nal ward, sur­gi­cal unit  and human milk bank, the NNDAK will assist moth­ers and their babies in the hos­pi­tal and the staff pro­vid­ing their care. At glob­al lev­el, this project is envi­sioned to reach a net­work of 700 Human Milk Banks and their asso­ci­at­ed new­born units, improv­ing the feed­ing and health out­comes of upto 5% of 20.5 mil­lion low birth­weight infants born each year. 


Project : Digitization of National Guidelines for Establishment of Cancer Centers(May 2022 to Date)

Project Brief: To design and devel­op a dig­i­tal plat­form that will enable (i) health­care facilities/professionals look­ing to estab­lish can­cer man­age­ment cen­ters eas­i­ly access the guide­lines and get ref­er­ences, and (ii) for the pub­lic the plat­form will help to under­stand what is offered in dif­fer­ent accred­it­ed can­cer cen­ters, and for them to gain access to aware­ness mate­ri­als.

Impact: The dig­i­ti­za­tion of the guide­lines aims at improv­ing the acces­si­bil­i­ty to the guide­lines for the for­ma­tion of can­cer cen­ters, cen­tral­iz­ing, and coor­di­nat­ing activ­i­ties, resources, and infor­ma­tion relat­ed to can­cer pre­ven­tion and con­trol.

Project: NextGen Health & Wellness Application Project(March 2022 to Date)

Project Brief: To sup­port NextGen in man­ag­ing health records, patients and clin­i­cal pro­grams, Intel­liSOFT has designed, cus­tomized and is imple­ment­ing eHos­pi­tal for the man­age­ment of the NextGen’s clin­ic, Gym and the Acad­e­my Sports Cen­ter. Intel­liSOFT is also devel­op­ing a health and well­ness mobile appli­ca­tion to help NextGen’s clients track their fit­ness, nutri­tion, sleep, med­ica­tion, men­tal well being and well­ness.

Impact: The solu­tion will opti­mize the man­age­ment of chron­ic dis­eases, phys­io­ther­a­py and pain man­age­ment, car­diac and pul­monary rehab, and men­tal well­ness.

Project: Centralized Electronic Medical Records System Project (December 2021 to Date)

Project Brief: The devel­op­ment and roll­out of a cen­tral­ized EMR sys­tem for the Min­istry of Health and Well­ness, Botswana, is a Gov­ern­ment-fund­ed project imple­ment­ed through BITRI. It is antic­i­pat­ed that the solu­tion will be imple­ment­ed in over 400 health facil­i­ties in Botswana. Intel­liSOFT is tasked with the devel­op­ment, deploy­ment, sup­port, and main­te­nance of the coun­try-wide EMR sys­tem. 

Impact:  It is antic­i­pat­ed that the solu­tion will improve the health care deliv­ery sys­tem in Bost­wana through bet­ter man­age­ment of patients and patient data. 

Project:  Dig­i­tal Facil­i­ty Inspec­tion Tool Project(November 2021 to Date)

Project Brief: The Nation­al Can­cer Insti­tute of Kenya con­ducts rou­tine inspec­tions of can­cer facil­i­ties to ver­i­fy they meet a set of cri­te­ria pri­or to being approved and accred­it­ed as a can­cer facil­i­ty in Kenya. To make the inspec­tion process replic­a­ble across facil­i­ties, the NCI‑K came up with a paper-based scor­ing tool in the form of a check­list.  The aim of this project is to dig­i­tize this paper-based tool which can only be accessed by autho­rized per­son­nel. The tool is built using ODK‑X Sur­vey, ODK‑X Tables and ODK‑X Ser­vices, an Android appli­ca­tion for per­form­ing data col­lec­tion, view­ing cap­tured data and gen­er­at­ing reports in the ODK‑X frame­work.
Impact: Ensure that data col­lect­ed is stored secure­ly, in a dig­i­tal man­ner, with the capa­bil­i­ty of auto­mat­i­cal­ly scor­ing the facil­i­ty once the inspec­tion is com­plete to ver­i­fy a facil­i­ty is approved and accred­it­ed as a can­cer facil­i­ty in Kenya.

Project: President’s Malaria Initiative(PMI) Kinga Malaria Project (October 2021 to Date)

Project Brief: The PMI Kinga Malar­ia project is a USAID-fund­ed project imple­ment­ed through Abt Asso­ciates. The aim is to sup­port Indoor Resid­ual Spray­ing (IRS) activ­i­ties. IntelliSOFT’s role is to devel­op and imple­ment a mHealth solu­tion that will sup­port pro­gram­mat­ic Per­for­mance Mon­i­tor­ing Track­ing (PMT), and broad­cast mes­sag­ing (group SMS) to facil­i­tate uni­di­rec­tion­al allow­ing shar­ing of infor­ma­tion with work­ers and super­vi­sors sup­port­ing the IRS activ­i­ties, and super­vi­sor check­list form on mobile devices.

Impact: Reduce the bur­den of Malar­ia through Indoor Resid­ual Spray­ing. Addi­tion­al­ly, increase the local capac­i­ty to plan, imple­ment, and mon­i­tor IRS activ­i­ties in an envi­ron­men­tal­ly sound man­ner.  Over­all, con­tribute to strength­en­ing the capac­i­ty of  Kenya to plan and imple­ment safe, cost-effec­tive, and sus­tain­able vec­tor-con­trol inter­ven­tions against malar­ia.

Project: Uwezo wa Dijiti Kenya (UWADI-KE) (August 2021 to Date)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT has estab­lished a con­sor­tium known as the Uwe­zo wa Diji­ti Kenya (UWADI-KE) which is an acronym in Swahili that lit­er­al­ly trans­lates to “Capa­bil­i­ty of dig­i­tal”. The con­sor­tium con­sists of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Nairobi’s Depart­ment of Com­put­ing and Infor­mat­ics and AuraSafi­ra. The key objec­tive of the UWADI-KE project is to achieve dig­i­tal and data trans­for­ma­tion through respon­si­ble and eth­i­cal invest­ments aimed at strength­en­ing dig­i­tal capac­i­ty to improve ser­vice deliv­ery in var­i­ous devel­op­ment sec­tors. UWADI-KE is well aligned with the Gov­ern­ment of Kenya’s Dig­i­tal Econ­o­my Blue­print that is intend­ed to sup­port the Government’s efforts and invest­ments in dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion for eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment as pri­or­i­tized through the Big 4 Agen­da.  This ini­tia­tive is specif­i­cal­ly anchored in the Skills and Val­ue pil­lar of the GoK’s dig­i­tal econ­o­my blue­print.

Impact: It is antic­i­pat­ed that upskilling dig­i­tal lead­ers with­in the pri­vate and pub­lic enti­ties with the Knowl­edge, Skills, and Atti­tudes of how dig­i­tal trans­for­ma­tion should be imple­ment­ed, will ascer­tain the Return On Invest­ment and impact for those invest­ments.


Project: Immunization Registry Digital Adaptation Kit & Computable Content (IR-DAK)
(September 2021 to May 2022 )

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT is a part of a con­sor­tium work­ing towards devel­op­ing a Dig­i­tal Adap­ta­tion Kit in line with the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion (W.H.O) SMART Guide­lines. With­in this con­sor­tium, Intel­liSOFT is con­tribut­ing to the aug­men­ta­tion of the Dig­i­tal Adap­ta­tion Kit (DAK) arti­facts, sim­pli­fy­ing the devel­op­ment and doc­u­men­ta­tion of guide­line-based rec­om­men­da­tions, and pro­vid­ing a frame­work for a more approach­able process for devel­op­ing imple­mentable Fast Health­care Inter­op­er­abil­i­ty Resources(FHIR) pack­ages. 

Impact: By devel­op­ing the Immu­niza­tion Reg­istry Dig­i­tal Adap­ta­tion Kit, numer­ous imple­men­ta­tions of Elec­tron­ic Immu­niza­tion Reg­istries (EIRs) can become inter­op­er­a­ble by adher­ing to sim­i­lar require­ments and work­flows. Through the use of a stan­dard­ized Dig­i­tal Adap­ta­tion Kit, imple­men­ta­tions can result in a pos­i­tive change lead­ing to improved qual­i­ty of data, which leads to improved deci­sion mak­ing, and ulti­mate­ly bet­ter health out­comes.


Project: KenyaEMR+ Training and Deployment (August 2021 to February 2022)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT is sup­port­ing the nation­al deploy­ment of the KenyaEMR+ plat­form, an elec­tron­ic hos­pi­tal record man­age­ment sys­tem. Intel­liSOFT is respon­si­ble for con­duct­ing work­flow assess­ments at tar­get health facil­i­ties, instal­la­tion of KenyaEMR+, upgrad­ing exist­ing sys­tems from KenyaEMR to KenyaEMR+, capac­i­ty build­ing of the sys­tem end-users and sys­tem admin­is­tra­tors, esca­lat­ing sys­tem issues, and ensur­ing effec­tive use of the sys­tem at the tar­get health facil­i­ties. 

Impact: Adop­tion and mean­ing­ful use of KenyaEMR+ for bet­ter man­age­ment of patients, man­age­ment of patients’ health records, report­ing to the Min­istry of Health, and man­age­ment of the pub­lic health ser­vices.


Project: Mobile and USSD PharmacoVigilance Electronic Reporting System (mPvERS) (July 2021 to May 2022)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT is col­lab­o­rat­ing with the Phar­ma­cy and Poi­sons Board of Kenya to adapt the exist­ing PvERS II appli­ca­tion upgrad­ed in 2020 into mobile and USSD appli­ca­tions. The USSD func­tion­al­i­ty is meant to facil­i­tate pub­lic report­ing for indi­vid­u­als with­out smart­phones while the mobile appli­ca­tion is meant to accom­mo­date health work­ers and the pub­lic with smart­phones to view reports. This suite of dig­i­tal health appli­ca­tions are intend­ed to sup­port PPB in enforc­ing its man­date of ensur­ing the law­ful com­pli­ance of med­i­cines and oth­er health prod­ucts to the indus­try stan­dards, and the safe­ty of con­sumers and users of these prod­ucts and ser­vices.

Impact: Improv­ing the safe­ty, health, and well-being of the Kenyan pop­u­la­tion and all oth­er con­sumers of med­i­cines and health prod­ucts per­mit­ted for use in Kenya.


Project: Regional Action Through Data (RAD) (June 2021 to October 2021)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT sup­port­ed the deploy­ment of the RAD project, a cross-bor­der immu­niza­tion solu­tion imple­ment­ed along the Kenyan/Ugandan bor­der. Intel­liSOFT has been tasked with con­duct­ing end-to-end tests, con­fig­u­ra­tion, deploy­ment, and post-deploy­ment sup­port of the Jour­ney Solu­tion, a patient-cen­tered dig­i­tal immu­niza­tion solu­tion con­sist­ing of soft­ware and hard­ware com­po­nents all in one box.

Impact: The main impact of this project is the elim­i­na­tion of frag­ment­ed immu­niza­tion data through the use of Near-Field Com­mu­ni­ca­tion (NFC) cards that store a child’s immu­niza­tion data.


Project: Blood Safety Information System South Sudan Project (BSIS-SS) (July 2021 to December 2021)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT has been con­tract­ed to imple­ment and train users of the Blood Safe­ty Infor­ma­tion Sys­tem (BSIS), an elec­tron­ic infor­ma­tion man­age­ment sys­tem devel­oped by Jem­bi Health Sys­tems NPC (Jem­bi) as part of a larg­er CDC-fund­ed Blood Safe­ty Strength­en­ing Pro­gramme (BSSP).

Impact: Improve the safe­ty and avail­abil­i­ty of the blood sup­ply, and to min­i­mize the risk to the health of patients receiv­ing blood trans­fu­sions.


Project: National Cancer Registry of Kenya System, NaCaRe-KE (April 2021 to July 2021)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT has devel­oped a nation­al can­cer reg­istry sys­tem for Kenya to sup­port the Nation­al Can­cer Insti­tute of Kenya (NCI Kenya) that has a man­date to estab­lish and main­tain the Nation­al Can­cer Reg­istry.  The project entailed dig­i­ti­za­tion of the exist­ing paper-based noti­fi­ca­tion process to sup­port report­ing of can­cer cas­es across the coun­try from facil­i­ty-lev­el to nation­al-lev­el.

Impact: Pre­ven­tion and con­trol of can­cer through effec­tive data col­lec­tion and analy­sis of data.


Project: Afya Guide (February 2021 to October 2022)

Project Brief: Through the project con­sor­tium, Intel­liSOFT is adapt­ing and con­tex­tu­al­iz­ing the SMASS COVID Guide (SCG) tool for the Kenyan land­scape. The envi­sioned project goal is to avail this self-assess­ment tool to the Kenyan pop­u­la­tion and thus allow them to get time­ly and ade­quate med­ical care. The SMASS COVID Guide is a web appli­ca­tion that is being uti­lized by the gen­er­al pub­lic to aid in rapid COVID-19 self-assess­ments and advise the users on the appro­pri­ate mea­sures to take based on their respons­es to the ques­tions posed by the appli­ca­tion. The SCG appli­ca­tion is avail­able in Eng­lish, Ger­man, French, and Ital­ian and is based on the SMASS (Swiss Med­ical Assess­ment Sys­tem) soft­ware that sup­ports both laypersons(general pub­lic) and med­ical pro­fes­sion­als in the tar­get­ed and rapid assess­ment and doc­u­men­ta­tion of health prob­lems and helps users to take appro­pri­ate mea­sures. The SCG appli­ca­tion was devel­oped by the con­sor­tium mem­ber, In4medicine, a Ger­man-based com­pa­ny that offers health IT solu­tions.

Impact: Pro­mot­ing access to qual­i­ty and time­ly health­care to users out­side of a phys­i­cal health facil­i­ty and reduc­ing over­load on out­pa­tient ser­vices in facil­i­ties.

Project: COVID-19: Digital Square — OpenHIE data exchange (October 2020 to June 2021)

Project Brief:  This is a col­lab­o­ra­tion between Jem­bi Health Sys­tems and Intel­liSOFT towards adapt­ing and lever­ag­ing Open­HIM to sup­port COVID-19 data exchange with­in a health infor­ma­tion exchange.

Impact: Expect­ed to pro­mote the use of open-source soft­ware and stan­dards to sup­port coun­tries’ dig­i­tal health ecosys­tems in response to COVID-19.

Project: United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Technical Assistance Project (2020 — 2025)- CDC TAP(October 2020 to Date)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT is part of a glob­al health infor­ma­tion sys­tem improve­ment mech­a­nism through a CDC-fund­ed project, the Cen­ter of Dig­i­tal and Data Excel­lence (CoDE), which aims to strength­en its work in HIV/AIDS through the devel­op­ment of an Open­MRS HIV Ref­er­ence Imple­men­ta­tion (OHRI); Cen­tral­i­sa­tion of HIV/AIDS data to improve mean­ing­ful use of data and mod­ern­iza­tion of dig­i­tal health solu­tions through prac­ti­cal imple­men­ta­tion of data and dig­i­tal health stan­dards, train­ing, and capac­i­ty build­ing. Intel­liSOFT has been lead­ing health infor­ma­tion exchange (HIE) frame­work sen­si­ti­za­tion and adop­tion activ­i­ties through lever­ag­ing net­works and rela­tion­ships with Africa CDC and sim­i­lar stake­hold­ers. Intel­liSOFT has also been con­tribut­ing tech­ni­cal expertise/guidance to gov­er­nance activ­i­ties as well as to the min­i­mum viable pack­age (MVP) for data inte­gra­tion by advis­ing on best prac­tices for use in open-source soft­ware devel­op­ment. Final­ly, Intel­liSOFT has devel­oped and imple­ment­ed proac­tive qual­i­ty improve­ment and assur­ance strate­gies.

Impact: This project is a step towards achiev­ing a dig­i­tal pub­lic address­ing health future cur­rent fun­da­men­tal chal­lenges. The antic­i­pat­ed impact includes the estab­lish­ment of the nec­es­sary pol­i­cy, gov­er­nance, and stan­dards frame­works need­ed to sup­port the devel­op­ment of e‑Health strate­gies, infor­ma­tion sys­tems, elec­tron­ic health infor­ma­tion exchange (HIE)s, and human resources for health.


Project: Bahmni Support for Indicator Level Reporting (August 2020 to April 2021)

Project Brief: This project is aimed at imple­ment­ing an approach to patient-lev­el mon­i­tor­ing through the use of a health infor­ma­tion exchange that sup­ports onboard­ing of mul­ti­ple dig­i­tal health sys­tems through HL7 FHIR-based inter­faces and an FHIR-based ter­mi­nol­o­gy ser­vices lay­er.

Impact: This will strength­en patient-lev­el report­ing by pro­vid­ing a com­mon way to 1) Con­nect and reg­is­ter data to a lon­gi­tu­di­nal client record, 2) Share indi­ca­tors across indi­vid­ual Point of Ser­vice (PoS) appli­ca­tions through the use of HL7 FHIR pro­files, and 3) Extract indi­ca­tor data from patient-lev­el indi­ca­tor cal­cu­la­tions per­formed on a lon­gi­tu­di­nal client record.

Project: Mama’s Hub(July 2020 to December 2022)

Project Brief:Through a con­sor­tium, Intel­liSOFT is sup­port­ing the devel­op­ment of a mater­nal health infor­ma­tion sys­tem (MHIS) dubbed Mama’s hub to address the spe­cif­ic chal­lenge of infor­ma­tion man­age­ment (col­lec­tion, stor­age, analy­sis, and dis­sem­i­na­tion) in the area of mater­nal health as a means to the pro­vi­sion of bet­ter ser­vices to moth­ers and their chil­dren. The solu­tion will allow for a de-iden­ti­fied and aggre­gat­ed view of the mater­nal health data across the select loca­tions which will fur­ther inform pol­i­cy and oth­er inter­ven­tions for mater­nal health. In the spir­it of the dig­i­tal prin­ci­ples ‘col­lab­o­ra­tion’ and  ‘reuse and improve’, this project is lever­ag­ing the exist­ing work from WHO’s ANC dig­i­tal accel­er­a­tor kit to dig­i­tize Kenya’s Min­istry of Health Moth­er and Child Book­let (MCB).  The MHIS lever­ages the WHO ANC Stan­dards-Based, Machine-read­able, Adap­tive, Require­ments-based and Testable (SMART) guide­lines with the build­ing blocks being derived from the WHO ANC Dig­i­tal Adap­ta­tion Kit (DAK).

Impact: The solu­tion will ensure Uni­ver­sal Mater­nal Health Cov­er­age in under­served coun­ties and vul­ner­a­ble pop­u­la­tion groups in Kenya, reduce pre­ventable mor­tal­i­ty and mor­bid­i­ty. The antic­i­pat­ed impact includes prop­er infor­ma­tion man­age­ment that will sup­port the deliv­ery of ante­na­tal care (ANC) by health­care providers ensur­ing a pleas­ant ANC care expe­ri­ence for the moth­ers.

Project:Technical Support Services Program (TSSP)(May 2020 to September 2020)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT pro­vid­ed tech­ni­cal assis­tance and over­sight ser­vices to estab­lish the Nation­al Health Client Reg­istry (NHCR) and imple­ment an Elec­tron­ic Med­ical Records Sys­tem (EMR), con­tribut­ing to improved devel­op­ment, imple­men­ta­tion, and sus­tain­able sup­port and main­te­nance of these sys­tems. Intel­liSOFT devel­oped a soft­ware qual­i­ty review approach and frame­work to (i) guide assess­ment of the sys­tems, (ii) sup­port mon­i­tor­ing and eval­u­a­tion of the pilot imple­men­ta­tion of the EMR, (iii) pro­vi­sion of rec­om­men­da­tions for its scale-up, and (iv) sup­port sus­tain­able tran­si­tion and trans­fer of knowl­edge to the Tan­zan­ian Min­istry of Health, Com­mu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment, Gen­der, Elder­ly and Chil­dren (MOHCDGEC).

Impact: Pro­vid­ed rec­om­men­da­tions for scale­up, and sup­port­ed sus­tain­able tran­si­tion and trans­fer of knowl­edge to the MOHCDGEC.

Project: Karen Community Church — Digital Faith Project (May 2020- to Date)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT is sup­port­ing the Karen Com­mu­ni­ty Church to devel­op a Man­age­ment Infor­ma­tion Sys­tem to enhance the col­lec­tion, analy­sis, report­ing, and stor­ing of rel­e­vant data for the church.

Impact: This sys­tem will improve in stor­ing and retrieval of infor­ma­tion that will strength­en strate­gic deci­sion mak­ing with­in the church con­gre­ga­tion and its lead­er­ship.

Project: Pharmacovigilance Electronic Reporting System(PvERS) (April 2020 to April 2021)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT has been con­tract­ed by the Phar­ma­cy and Poi­sons Board Kenya to upgrade the PvERS appli­ca­tion that was built in 2012. The PvERS is cur­rent­ly under­go­ing sig­nif­i­cant struc­tur­al and func­tion­al upgrades neces­si­tat­ed by advance­ments in tech­nol­o­gy and busi­ness prac­tices of phar­ma­covig­i­lance.

Impact: The cur­rent upgrade hopes to sup­port report­ing of Adverse events fol­low­ing immu­niza­tion (AEFI), Link PVERs sys­tem with Clin­i­cal Tri­als Reg­istry, improve data use and report­ing by automat­ing and updat­ing forms, inte­grate the PvERs appli­ca­tion with the KHIS to sup­port aggre­gate data report­ing on safe­ty reports and offer improved user man­age­ment and sys­tem secu­ri­ty through authen­ti­ca­tion.

Project: eHospital-MTiba integration (March 2020 to Date)

Project Brief: Con­fig­u­ra­tion and cus­tomiza­tion of e‑Hospital  to: 

  1. Enhance the queue man­age­ment sys­tem,
  2. Sup­port improved data use and report­ing,
  3. Feed­back and user man­age­ment of the sys­tem and
  4. Inte­grat­ing e‑Hospital to M‑TIBA via an Appli­ca­tion Pro­gram­ming Inter­face (API).

Impact:  Antic­i­pat­ed to sup­port sev­er­al health facil­i­ties and will be imple­ment­ed in phas­es to also be used as a learn­ing point for future imple­men­ta­tions. The patients who will ben­e­fit from this pro­gramme will have access to qual­i­ty health­care with the use of M‑TIBA, a mobile insur­ance ser­vice, thus, have an eas­i­er alter­na­tive form of pay­ment and access to health­care for peo­ple with low income and who are from low income areas.

Project: Cross-Border Health Integrated Partnership Project (January 2020- September 2020)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT was con­tract­ed to design, cus­tomize and deploy tech­nol­o­gy to strength­en the cross-bor­der health sys­tem through the Cross-bor­der Health Unit (CBHU) mod­el to enable the con­tin­u­ous and real-time gen­er­a­tion and shar­ing of health infor­ma­tion between health facil­i­ties and sup­port the con­tin­u­um of care for HIV, TB. FP/RH and MNCH for mobile cross-bor­der pop­u­la­tions. Instead of re-invent­ing the wheel and build­ing a new dig­i­tal health solu­tion to address the CBHU’s needs, Intel­liSOFT lever­aged pre-exist­ing EMRs and cus­tomized them while imple­ment­ing the cross-bor­der dig­i­tal health solu­tion.  Ref­er­enc­ing the Open­HIE archi­tec­ture, we devel­oped mod­ules in KenyaEMR and through AMPATH repli­cat­ed the same in their Elec­tron­ic Med­ical Records sys­tem, the AMPATH Med­ical Records Sys­tem (AMRS) to enable real-time shar­ing of health infor­ma­tion between the two sys­tems. In addi­tion to deploy­ing the solu­tion to select facil­i­ties, we designed and facil­i­tat­ed the train­ing of the antic­i­pat­ed users at both the facil­i­ty lev­el and coun­ty lev­el.

Impact: TThe CB-HIPP ini­tia­tive is inte­gral­ly linked to the Dig­i­tal Region­al East Africa Com­mu­ni­ty for Health (REACH) Ini­tia­tive as a micro-imple­men­ta­tion of the Dig­i­tal Health Inter­ven­tion at a cross-bor­der region. The Cross bor­der Dig­i­tal Health Solu­tion has inter­con­nect­ed health facil­i­ties and health sys­tems to enable applic­a­ble data shar­ing across select­ed bor­der facil­i­ties (with­in and across bor­ders) in the cross-bor­der areas and enhanced link­age with local, nation­al, and region­al data ware­hous­es includ­ing DHIS2 and oth­er EMRS in use in the select­ed facil­i­ties.

Project: Afya Moja — A Digital Health Passport (January 2020- to Date)

Project Brief:

Intel­liSOFT is col­lab­o­rat­ing with Safari­com, GSMA, Care­pay, and Savan­nah Infor­mat­ics Lim­it­ed to devel­op a mobile-based Dig­i­tal Health Pass­port that will enable patients to share real-time med­ical infor­ma­tion with med­ical prac­ti­tion­ers.

Intel­liSOFT set up an Unstruc­tured Sup­ple­men­tary Ser­vice Data(USSD) Appli­ca­tion and a per­son­al health record mobile appli­ca­tion that will be avail­able on both Android and iOS plat­forms to enable patients to access their med­ical records, share the same with med­ical prac­ti­tion­ers as and when required. Using the Fast Health­care Inter­op­er­abil­i­ty Resources (FHIR), Intel­liSOFT has imple­ment­ed the appro­pri­ate chan­nels for data exchange to be done in a struc­tured, stan­dard-com­pli­ant, and under­stand­able for­mat between the provider and patient-fac­ing appli­ca­tions.  The mobile appli­ca­tion will com­ple­ment the USSD appli­ca­tion that cur­rent­ly allows users with fea­ture phones to use the plat­form.


Impact: This robust solu­tion will empow­er and pro­vide con­sumers of health­care ser­vices and providers of health­care ser­vices,  a mech­a­nism to col­lect, store, own, access, con­trol, and review their health infor­ma­tion. This will enable the con­ti­nu­ity of care and reduce dupli­cate and erro­neous patient data there­by sav­ing patients unnec­es­sary costs regard­less of the providers or facil­i­ties they vis­it. It will also trans­late to pro­vid­ing med­ical prac­ti­tion­ers with rel­e­vant patient infor­ma­tion in a time­ly man­ner, thus enabling them make evi­dence-based patient man­age­ment deci­sions par­tic­u­lar­ly for con­ti­nu­ity of care,  and reduce cas­es of mis­di­ag­no­sis thus sav­ing patients unnec­es­sary costs.

Project: Mobile Telepsychiatry Project (September 2019 to Date)

Project Brief: Con­fig­u­ra­tion of Bahm­ni to sup­port the deliv­ery of men­tal health ser­vices. The pri­ma­ry role of Intel­liSOFT is to adapt Bahm­ni for use of telemed­i­cine for men­tal health patient work­flows start­ing in Ghana.

Impact:  The sys­tem has been cus­tomized to fit and sup­port the men­tal health patient work­flows.

Project: OpenELIS (September 2019- September 2020)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT Con­sult­ing was con­tract­ed to devel­op new fea­tures and enhance the UI/UX of the open-source LMIS, OpenELIS glob­al. Intel­liSOFT devel­oped the Non-Con­for­mi­ty Events fea­ture into the sys­tem. This is a stan­dard oper­a­tional pro­ce­dure in lab­o­ra­to­ries. Intel­liSOFT devel­oped wire­frames to enhance and have a mod­ern­ized out­look of the UI/UX.

Impact: The new fea­ture aims at allow­ing lab­o­ra­to­ry tech­ni­cians to report on such events based on stan­dard oper­at­ing pro­ce­dures and the set work­flows once users upgrade to the lat­est sta­ble release of OpenELIS.

Project: South Sudan EMR (June 2019- February 2021)

Project Brief:

Con­tract­ed by Intra­Health, Intel­liSOFT devel­oped and imple­ment­ed an Elec­tron­ic Med­ical Record Sys­tem (EMR) to sup­port South Sudan’s Nation­al HIV pro­gram. 

The South Sudan EMR (SSEMR) is an adap­ta­tion of IntelliSOFT’s flag­ship prod­uct, eHos­pi­tal- an EMR sys­tem built on Bahm­ni. By embrac­ing the Prin­ci­ples for Dig­i­tal devel­op­ment which empha­sizes a user-cen­tric approach, we worked with antic­i­pat­ed users to design the work­flows, clin­i­cal forms, and reports required for the sys­tem, enabled sync­ing and exchange of data between the facil­i­ties, and inte­grat­ed the EMR into the nation­al Health Man­age­ment Infor­ma­tion Sys­tem (HMIS) for aggre­gate data report­ing.

The next phase will scale up the EMR to oth­er pub­lic health facil­i­ties as guid­ed by the South Sudan MOH.

Impact: The South Sudan EMR is the first-ever EMR imple­men­ta­tion in the young state of South Sudan and has been deployed at two high-vol­ume health facil­i­ties, Juba and Nimule. This has strength­ened the col­lec­tion of HIV patients’ infor­ma­tion result­ing in con­tin­ued care and time­ly inter­ven­tion. Fur­ther­more, the project has enabled Intel­liSOFT to also gain a foot­print in South Sudan which is a Part­ner State of the East African Com­mu­ni­ty (EAC), and paved the way for future col­lab­o­ra­tion in scal­ing up the EMR to addi­tion­al facil­i­ties.

Project: I‑TECH Haiti iSantéPlus (June 2019 to September 2021)

Project Brief:  Intel­liSOFT is sup­port­ing the I‑TECH Haiti team and its local part­ner, CHARESS, with soft­ware devel­op­ment on the CDC-fund­ed Haiti HIS project, focus­ing specif­i­cal­ly on the devel­op­ment of PEPFAR and Haiti Min­istry of Health (MOH) reports for the iSan­té­Plus (Open­MRS) v1.0 release

URLS: Github Repos­i­to­ry: https://github.com/IsantePlus

Impact: The imple­men­ta­tion focus­es on con­nect­ing more than 100 clin­ics with the iSan­té­Plus Elec­tron­ic Med­ical Record Sys­tem. The iSan­té­Plus clin­ic appli­ca­tion ini­ti­ates all inter­ac­tions with SEDISH. The clin­ic push­es changes from the clin­ic to SEDISH and pulls all updates that it would expect from the nation­al to local lev­els.

Project: OpenMRS & Bahmni Powered Electronic Patient Tracking System(EPTS) and Point of Care System(POC) (September 2018- January 2020)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT was con­tract­ed to devel­op and pro­vide qual­i­ty assur­ance for the Open­MRS and Bahm­ni pow­ered Elec­tron­ic Patient Track­ing Sys­tem (ETPS) and Point Of Care Sys­tem that would be imple­ment­ed across Mozam­bique.

Impact: In addi­tion to pro­vid­ing accu­rate data to the nation­al sys­tem, the POC sys­tem has strength­ened the pro­vi­sion of care and mon­i­tor­ing of HIV patients.

Project: HATUA (August 2018 to April 2020)

Project Brief: This project aimed at strength­en­ing and increas­ing the tech­ni­cal capac­i­ty of research for health reg­u­la­to­ry bod­ies in Kenya and select­ed high vol­ume accred­it­ed Insti­tu­tion­al Research Ethics Com­mit­tees (IRECs). The goal was to improve the over­sight func­tion at both the Nation­al lev­el, improve com­pe­tence at the insti­tu­tion­al lev­el, and facil­i­tate com­mu­ni­ca­tion between reg­u­la­tors and the IRECs, and last­ly to pro­vide an oppor­tu­ni­ty for shar­ing best prac­tices and net­work­ing by build­ing a com­mu­ni­ty of sup­port and learn­ing. This project is described by 3 C’s: Compli­ance (improv­ing func­tions for over­sight of clin­i­cal tri­als), Capac­i­ty (build­ing tech­ni­cal capac­i­ty through train­ing in Bioethics, phar­ma­covig­i­lance, clin­i­cal mon­i­tor­ing, and research admin­is­tra­tion), and Commu­ni­ty (build a net­work for shar­ing and a com­mu­ni­ty of best prac­tices through sem­i­nars con­fer­ences and online con­sul­ta­tion).

Impact: Sup­ports the two key func­tions of the PPB; reg­u­la­tion of med­i­cines and review of clin­i­cal tri­als and use of med­i­c­i­nal prod­ucts and tech­nolo­gies for use in humans.

Project: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Monitoring and Reporting System for Africa (April 2018 to Date)

Project Brief:

The Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals (SDGs) Mon­i­tor­ing and Report­ing Sys­tem for Africa is a dig­i­tal solu­tion devel­oped by Intel­liSOFT to pro­vide the Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals Cen­ter for Africa (SDGC/A) and the African gov­ern­ments the abil­i­ty to track and report on the 17 Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals (SDGs) and Agenda2063(A2063) . Intel­liSOFT devel­oped a solu­tion con­sist­ing of 3 sub­sys­tems that work togeth­er seam­less­ly to mon­i­tor and report at a coun­try and con­ti­nent lev­el. 

The 3 sub­sys­tems are:

a) The Nation­al MRS which is host­ed by the report­ing coun­tries and whose pur­pose is to enable coun­tries to track their SDGs and A2063 per­for­mances.

b) The Pan-African MRS which is host­ed at the SDGC/A head­quar­ters in Kigali Rwan­da and allows visu­al­iza­tion of aggre­gate data from the coun­tries that pro­vide con­sent. The Cen­tre does not have direct access to any country’s data and can not edit the data shared with them.

c) A Data Por­tal which is a pub­lic Web por­tal with enhanced and dynam­ic visu­al­iza­tions to allow access to and easy con­sump­tion of data by the pub­lic.

This project sup­ports African coun­tries in their endeav­or to achieve the Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals (SDGs) through i) Strength­en­ing, cen­tral­iz­ing, and/or upgrad­ing exist­ing nation­al data col­lec­tion, analy­sis, and report­ing sys­tems. ii) Sup­port­ing the devel­op­ment of a nation­al data col­lec­tion, analy­sis, and report­ing sys­tem in coun­tries where they do cur­rent­ly exist. 

Intel­liSOFT uti­lized an open-source solu­tion called DHIS2 to devel­op this sys­tem in which the client (SDGC/A) and the pilot coun­try (Benin) were great­ly involved from con­cep­tu­al­iza­tion to imple­men­ta­tion to ensure the sys­tem met the expec­ta­tions of the end-user and fits into their process flows. This sys­tem is expect­ed to be imple­ment­ed in all 54 African coun­tries.

Impact: Sup­port­ing African gov­ern­ments bet­ter mon­i­tor their socio-eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment as defined by SDGs, and also pain­less­ly meet their con­ti­nen­tal and glob­al report­ing oblig­a­tions against theAgen­da 2013 and SDGs respec­tive­ly.

Project: KEMRI/UW Technical Support (April 2018- April 2019)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT Con­sult­ing was con­tract­ed to pro­vide sup­port to ensure opti­mal work­flow at KEMRI/UW through availed time­ly and exten­sive tech­ni­cal sup­port.

Intel­liSOFT pro­vid­ed a bet­ter expe­ri­ence for resolv­ing tech­ni­cal chal­lenges through an auto­mat­ed help desk. The helpdesk pro­vid­ed the KEMRI/UW end users with a plat­form through which they would direct­ly request for tech­ni­cal sup­port or rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion from Intel­liSOFT. 

Impact: The KEMRI/UW end-users were able to direct­ly request for tech­ni­cal sup­port and/or infor­ma­tion with ease. Addi­tion­al­ly, the help desk enabled pri­or­i­ti­za­tion and log­ging of issues which ensured that those were dealt with as and when need­ed. Gen­er­al­ly, the help desk pro­vid­ed insights regard­ing com­mon­ly expe­ri­enced issues — infor­ma­tion which helped in plan­ning to improve effi­cien­cy and enhance faster res­o­lu­tion.

Project: Nairobi County NCD EMS  (December 2017 — September 2019)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT was con­tract­ed to cus­tomize and devel­op mod­ules for the pro­vi­sion of care for Dia­betes & Hyper­ten­sion clients. The Nairo­bi Non-Com­mu­ni­ca­ble Dis­eases Qual­i­ty Man­age­ment Sys­tem (Nairo­bi Coun­ty NCD QM EMS) is an Elec­tron­ic Med­ical Dig­i­tal Health Sys­tem built on the Open­MRS plat­form.

Impact: Sig­nif­i­cant improve­ment of adher­ence to clin­i­cal guide­lines in the man­age­ment of hyper­ten­sion and Dia­betes Mel­li­tus (DM) thus strength­en­ing the health care sys­tem through improved capac­i­ty in the man­age­ment of the select­ed NCDs with­in Nairobi’s infor­mal set­tle­ments.

Project: KQMH (December 2017-November 2018)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT is cur­rent­ly con­tract­ed by The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Inter­na­tionale Zusam­me­nar­beit (GIZ) GmbH to devel­op, and imple­ment the Kenya Qual­i­ty Mod­el for Health  e‑tool. The project will pro­vide 47 health facil­i­ties with IT-based tools to sup­port con­tin­u­ous qual­i­ty improve­ment in line with the KQMH stan­dard which entails guid­ing and sup­port­ing coor­di­na­tion in an inte­grat­ed man­ner, efforts and invest­ments aimed at improv­ing qual­i­ty of health­care in Kenya.

Impact: The tool is in use in 5 coun­ties in kenya. Facil­i­ties who are using the tool are eas­i­ly iden­ti­fy­ing areas of improve­ments  in terms of ser­vice deliv­ery and infra­struc­ture required in their facil­i­ty.

Project: MCAZ ADR E‑Reporting and E‑Clinical Trials Registry System  (November 2017-December 2018)

Project Brief: Devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion of an Adverse Drug Reac­tion (ADR) E‑Reporting and E‑Clinical Tri­als Reg­istry Sys­tem for the Med­i­cines Con­trol Author­i­ty of Zim­bab­we. This sys­tem is being used by the MCAZ to col­lect data and sup­port nation­al report­ing on ADRs and Seri­ous Adverse Events (SAEs). These two sys­tems have been instru­men­tal in sup­port­ing the MCAZ  car­ry out its reg­u­la­to­ry man­date and well as its report­ing oblig­a­tions to WHO. MCAZ has been par­tic­i­pat­ing in the WHO drug Safe­ty Inter­na­tion­al Mon­i­tor­ing Pro­gram since 1998.

Impact: Improve qual­i­ty through mea­sures such as mon­i­tor­ing chron­ic con­di­tions more effec­tive­ly to avoid acute events, increas­ing adher­ence to best prac­tices, improv­ing clin­i­cal deci­sions, and pro­mot­ing health­i­er behav­iors.

Project: eHospital adaptation and implementation (August 2017 to Date)

Project Brief:  CURE Inter­na­tion­al and Intel­liSOFT mutu­al­ly estab­lished a part­ner­ship with Intel­liSOFT play­ing the role of a Health IT part­ner to CURE. With­in this part­ner­ship, Intel­liSOFT is imple­ment­ing a hos­pi­tal man­age­ment infor­ma­tion sys­tem for health facil­i­ties sup­port­ed by CURE start­ing with those in Kenya at Kijabe. The HMIS called eHos­pi­tal, a prod­uct of Intel­lISOFT is pow­ered by Bahm­ni. Intel­liSOFT is a mem­ber of the Gov­ern­ing Com­mit­tee of the Bahm­ni Coali­tion.

Impact: The Bahm­ni pow­ered eHos­pi­tal we have built for them sup­ports their stores and ware­house, patient reg­is­tra­tion, triage, clin­i­cal con­sul­ta­tions, phys­io­ther­a­py clin­ic, and phys­io­ther­a­py lab. This has reduced loss­es and costs from expiries, pil­fer­age, stock-outs, patient load man­age­ment T Cure Inter­na­tion­al.

Project: 3PM (May 2017-February 2019)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT is cur­rent­ly con­tract­ed by the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia San Fran­sis­co (UCSF) to build a part­ner mon­i­tor­ing dash­board called 3 PM (Plat­form for Part­ner Mon­i­tor­ing) that is pow­ered by DHIS2. This sys­tem is being used by CDC Kenya office to both sup­port and mon­i­tor their part­ners whom they use to pro­vide tech­ni­cal and health ser­vice deliv­ery assis­tance to the Min­istry of Health Kenya.

URLS: 3 PM demo

Impact: Improved the report­ing of  pro­gram data by mak­ing it more effi­cient and effec­tive. Imple­ment­ing part­ners are now able to eas­i­ly access data on their facil­i­ties and CDC is eas­i­ly able to access and analy­ses data for all the imple­ment­ing mech­a­nisms from one cen­tral repos­i­to­ry.

Project: UgandaEMR- Uganda Electronic Medical Records System (Feb 2017 — Sept 2017)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT Con­sult­ing was con­tract­ed in 2017 by Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia San Fran­cis­co (UCSF) through Mak­erere Uni­ver­si­ty of Pub­lic Health to devel­op and enhance Ugan­daEMR, a nation­al Elec­tron­ic Med­ical Records sys­tem to cap­ture and report HIV and HIV-relat­ed health pro­gramme data.The pri­ma­ry scope  includ­ed cus­tomiza­tion and devel­op­ing addi­tion­al mod­ules in the fol­low­ing pro­gram areas ;Tuberculosis(TB), Mater­nal and child Health Care (MCH) and Out­pa­tient Diagnosis(OPD).

Impact : Improved mon­i­tor­ing and sur­veil­lance  on HIV relat­ed pro­grams through time­ly and accu­rate data col­lec­tion.

Project: eHospital Implementation & ICT Infrastructure Upgrade
(November 2016 to Date

Project Brief: As part of our mis­sion to use infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy to trans­form the health of peo­ple and lives through tech­nol­o­gy, Intel­liSOFT got into a part­ner­ship with St. Joseph’s hos­pi­tal to imple­ment eHos­pi­tal, our local adap­ta­tion of the Bahm­ni solu­tion. Our sup­port to St. Joseph’s hos­pi­tal through this part­ner­ship includes; Cus­tomiza­tion and opti­miza­tion of eHos­pi­tal to meet their needs, deploy­ment of eHos­pi­tal, instal­la­tion of a Local Area Net­work includ­ing req­ui­site hard­ware (servers, desk­top com­put­ers, mobile devices includ­ing tablets, and net­work devices), train­ing health work­ers to mean­ing­ful­ly use eHos­pi­tal, long term sup­port, and main­te­nance of eHos­pi­tal. This is the first known imple­men­ta­tion of an open-source hos­pi­tal-wide sys­tem in pub­lic health facil­i­ties in Kenya.

Impact: Improved sched­ul­ing and man­age­ment of patients, Improved cap­ture, man­age­ment, and use of data for plan­ning, direct patient man­age­ment, and report­ing (broad­ly for Mon­i­tor­ing and Eval­u­a­tion).

Read more in the case study.

Project: Bethany Kids Kijabe Hospital (June 2015- January 2018)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT Con­sult­ing was con­tract­ed to upgrade an exist­ing Microsoft Access Data­base to run on an Open­MRS plat­form. The aim of the project was to improve patients’ data cap­ture and report­ing func­tion­al­i­ties of the cur­rent sys­tem.

Impact: This project ensured that there were improved mech­a­nisms for cap­tur­ing data and report­ing func­tion­al­i­ties.

Project: Pharmacovigilance Management and Reporting System (2012–2014)

Project Brief:

This project com­menced in April 2012 with the over­all aim to auto­mate a Phar­ma­covig­i­lance report­ing sys­tem that has been com­plete­ly paper based, to improve and make effi­cient phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal con­sumer report­ing to the Phar­ma­cy and Poi­sons Board. The solu­tion includes a Web based appli­ca­tion that will also be avail­able on mobile browsers as well as down­load­able on a vari­ety of com­put­ers, includ­ing mobile devices.


Suc­cess­ful track­ing of SAE reports lead­ing to accu­ra­cy, effi­cien­cy and safe­ty.

Project: Blood Donor Management System ‑Text for Life (August 2012 to Date)

Project Brief:

Intel­liSOFT is con­tract­ed by the CDC-Foun­da­tion to design, devel­op and imple­ment an mHealth sys­tem aimed at improv­ing blood donor base in Kenya and pro­mot­ing donor reten­tion for suc­ces­sive repeat dona­tions. The goal of this project is to sup­port the government’s pol­i­cy that every per­son in Kenya who requires blood has access to safe blood at any time. This is enshrined in the Nation­al Strat­e­gy on Blood Donor Mobi­liza­tion of the KNBTS, to ensure an ade­quate sup­ply of donat­ed blood to meet the needs of Kenya. Addi­tion­al­ly, this imple­men­ta­tion is also intend­ed to sup­port var­i­ous pub­lic health inter­ven­tions aimed at improv­ing con­ti­nu­ity of care for donors who may require health ser­vices. 

Impact: Increased effi­cien­cy and improved con­ti­nu­ity of care for donors.

Project:  KenyaEMR- Kenya Electronic Medical Records System (June 2012 to Sep 2012)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT was sub­con­tract­ed by I‑TECH (Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton), to pro­vide exper­tise in spe­cif­ic aspects of cus­tomiz­ing Open­MRS for the Min­istry of Health in Kenya. Under this con­tract, Intel­liSOFT was tasked with devel­op­ment of appro­pri­ate user inter­faces of the Kenya EMR (https://demo.kenyaemr.org/openmrs/login.htm, username:demo / password:demo) to sup­port fur­ther cus­tomiza­tion and exten­sion of the func­tion­al­i­ty of the Kenya Open­MRS to meet evolv­ing needs of the Min­istry of Health. As a core mem­ber of the devel­op­ment team, Intel­liSOFT par­tic­i­pat­ed in work­flow design that influ­enced the devel­op­ment and imple­men­ta­tion approach of the Kenya EMR. This approach is in line with a fun­da­men­tal pub­lic health approach of not only strength­en­ing health sys­tems, but active­ly seek­ing strate­gies that sup­port sus­tain­able health solu­tions.

URLS: http://kenyaemr.kenyahmis.org/

Impact: Improved sur­veil­lance of HIV & TB patients on care, track­ing of drug inven­to­ry, improved Nation­al reports- the sys­tem was able to gen­er­ate and feed reports in DHIS2, and pro­vi­sion of care and sur­veil­lance of  mater­nal health­care for HIV patients.

Project: Clinical Trials Registry (June 2012- Jan 2013)

Project Brief: Intel­liSOFT devel­oped a Web based sys­tem to sup­port research insti­tu­tions and reg­u­la­to­ry agen­cies to pri­mar­i­ly man­age research pro­to­col infor­ma­tion, improve their pro­to­col review and deter­mi­na­tion process­es as well as sup­port a gov­ern­ment ini­tia­tive aimed at bridg­ing the research to pol­i­cy gap. This sys­tem is now live at two key research and reg­u­la­to­ry insti­tu­tions in Kenya, the Kenya Med­ical Research Insti­tute and the Phar­ma­cy and Poi­sons Board. Plans are under­way to expand it to oth­er aca­d­e­m­ic, research and reg­u­la­to­ry insti­tu­tions.

Impact: Suc­cess­ful track­ing of Clin­i­cal tri­als lead­ing to improved effi­cien­cy and mean­ing­ful clin­i­cal out­comes.