Why do men typically underutilize mental health services compared to women? Referring men to seek help

June is ded­i­cat­ed to rais­ing aware­ness about men’s men­tal health issues, with June 10–16 des­ig­nat­ed…

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month 2024: IntelliSOFT Cancer-Related Projects at a Glance

At Intel­liSOFT, our com­mit­ment to advanc­ing health­care through inno­v­a­tive dig­i­tal solu­tions is show­cased in our…

World Patient Safety Day 2023: Empowering Patients in their Care Journey

  World Patient Safe­ty Day, estab­lished in 2019 by the 72nd World Health Assem­bly, is…

IntelliSOFT Receives Grand Challenges Grant to Revolutionize AI-Powered Health Informatics

Empow­er­ing Kenyan Youth for Health and Beyond In an era dri­ven by arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI)…

Designing with the User: Empowering Healthcare through Digital Solutions

In an age where we are devel­op­ing appli­ca­tions and sys­tems to solve var­i­ous prob­lems, we…

Digital Health Convergence and the Official Launch of the Tanzania Health Informatics Association

The Tan­za­nia Health Infor­mat­ics Asso­ci­a­tion (TAHIA) in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Min­istry of Health, President’s Office…

Building a Stronger Team through Effective Communication: Insights from Our Workplace Communication Workshop on Internal Communication, Emotional Intelligence and Personal Branding

Effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion is the back­bone of any suc­cess­ful orga­ni­za­tion. Whether you’re a small start­up or…

IntelliSOFT: Transforming Healthcare in Africa through Digital Innovations

Intel­liSOFT is a Kenyan soft­ware devel­op­ment com­pa­ny with over 12 years’ expe­ri­ence design­ing, devel­op­ing, and…

Meet the Team- Who Are We?

Steven Wany­ee Macharia Steve has been in the health indus­try for over 20 years. He…