Global Goods Innovators Summit

This year’s GGIS2023 was held in Tan­za­nia and team Intel­liSOFT joined oth­er stake­hold­ers in dig­i­tal…

Celebrating World Blood Donor Day: Improving Accessibility and Safety of Blood in Resource-Constrained Countries

World Blood Donor Day is cel­e­brat­ed on June 14th every year to raise aware­ness about…

World Brain Tumor Day: Raising Awareness and Hope for Brain Tumor Patients

Every year on June 8th, the world comes togeth­er to raise aware­ness about brain tumors…

Global Goods Innovators Summit 2023

This year’s Glob­al Goods Inno­va­tors Sum­mit (GGIS2023) was held in Tan­za­nia and team Intel­liSOFT joined…

Celebrating World Blood Donor Day: Improving Accessibility and Safety of Blood in Resource-Constrained Countries

World Blood Donor Day is cel­e­brat­ed on June 14th every year to raise aware­ness about…

World Brain Tumor Day: Raising Awareness and Hope for Brain Tumor Patients

Every year on June 8th, the world comes togeth­er to raise aware­ness about brain tumors…

IntelliSOFT Receives Award to Expand Digital Health Solutions for Community Health

  Intel­liSOFT among four Africa-based dig­i­tal health entre­pre­neurs list­ed by PATH build­ing tools to sup­port…

IntelliSOFT Projects Earn Recognition as Digital Public Goods from the Digital Public Goods Alliance

The Dig­i­tal Pub­lic Goods Alliance Hon­ors Two Appli­ca­tions Devel­oped  by Intel­liSOFT Intel­liSOFT Con­sult­ing Lim­it­ed is…

Bringing HIV Care closer to you

Since 1988, Decem­ber 1 has been des­ig­nat­ed as World AIDS Day, a day set aside…