eHos­pi­tal is IntelliSOFT’s flag­ship prod­uct, an end-to-end hos­pi­tal infor­ma­tion sys­tem trade­marked as eHos­pi­tal. It is a dig­i­tal hos­pi­tal sys­tem made for the African Land­scape. It is eas­i­ly con­fig­ured to include forms and reports required by coun­try and nation­al gov­ern­ments that align with Min­istry of Health stan­dards. 

eHos­pi­tal is pow­ered by Bahm­ni, an open-sourced plat­form that lever­ages soft­ware excel­lence and the tech­ni­cal archi­tec­ture of a glob­al­ly proven sys­tem. Behind the prod­uct is a sol­id and active com­mu­ni­ty con­tin­u­ous­ly devel­op­ing and strength­en­ing its impact. Intel­liSOFT is part of the Bahm­ni Coali­tion that is behind the peri­od­ic releas­es of Bahm­ni while IntelliSOFT’s Founder and CEO, Steven Wany­ee, also sits on the Bahm­ni Gov­ern­ing Com­mit­tee that is respon­si­ble for the strate­gic direc­tion the coali­tion takes. 

eHos­pi­tal com­pris­es three inte­grat­ed sub­sys­tems; med­ical records sys­tem, a lab­o­ra­to­ry sys­tem, and an enter­prise resource plan­ning (ERP) sys­tem. It is a sin­gle enti­ty that sup­ports man­ag­ing the patient jour­ney from reg­is­tra­tion through con­sul­ta­tion and rais­ing orders, includ­ing lab­o­ra­to­ry, imag­ing, and pre­scrip­tions. Addi­tion­al­ly, the ERP has billing, account­ing, and ware­hous­ing capa­bil­i­ties. 

How it works

 eHos­pi­tal is a ful­ly inte­grat­ed sys­tem through which health­care providers can get real-time patient infor­ma­tion and facil­i­ty man­age­ment the busi­ness sup­port they need. It trans­forms health deliv­ery by allow­ing care providers access to qual­i­ty data and infor­ma­tion. The sys­tem pro­vides the foun­da­tion for a lon­gi­tu­di­nal health record, track­ing infor­ma­tion such as con­sul­ta­tion notes, diag­noses, lab orders, drug his­to­ry, and more. In addi­tion, eHos­pi­tal is designed to cap­ture all patient touch points from patient reg­is­tra­tion through care deliv­ery to billing. This lev­el of trans­paren­cy and acces­si­bil­i­ty enables effi­cient data-dri­ven deci­sion-mak­ing.

Our Vision

At Intel­liSOFT, we envi­sion a near future where eHos­pi­tal will become the cen­tral health sys­tem that pos­i­tive­ly impacts care deliv­ery through access to and using qual­i­ty health data across Africa. So far, we have suc­cess­ful­ly tri­aled and imple­ment­ed eHos­pi­tal at three health facil­i­ties in Kenya, name­ly:

    1.     St. Joseph’s Health Cen­tre- This com­mu­ni­ty health cen­ter was found­ed in 1993 and man­aged by the Sis­ters of St. Joseph of Tarbes. When Intel­liSOFT was invit­ed to dig­i­tize the data­base, almost all the facility’s process­es were paper-based, caus­ing inef­fi­cien­cies in care deliv­ery. Intel­liSOFT Con­sult­ing part­nered with St. Joseph’s to define, devel­op and deploy the inau­gur­al imple­men­ta­tion of eHos­pi­tal. More infor­ma­tion on the entire case study can be found here.
    1.     Cure Inter­na­tion­al Hos­pi­tal- AIC-CURE Inter­na­tion­al Hos­pi­tal in Kijabe, Kenya, was found­ed in 1998 in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the African Inland Church of Kenya. It was the first Cure Inter­na­tion­al Hos­pi­tal in Kenya. Cure Kenya also con­ducts mobile clin­ics in remote areas where patients are booked for appoint­ment reviews and surg­eries at the main hos­pi­tal. Read more about the entire case study here. 
    1.     Juba Teach­ing and Refer­ral Hos­pi­tal in South Sudan — In 2019, Intel­liSOFT worked close­ly with Intra­Health Inter­na­tion­al to design, devel­op and deploy a local­ized Elec­tron­ic Med­ical Records (EMR) Sys­tem. This col­lab­o­ra­tion with South Sudan EMR (SSEMR) helped to sup­port the coor­di­na­tion and man­age­ment of HIV-pos­i­tive patients’ health­care needs in South Sudan. eHos­pi­tal, pow­ered by Bahm­ni (an Open-source Hos­pi­tal Sys­tem), was the Elec­tron­ic Med­ical Record (EMR) of choice and was adapt­ed to sup­port improved HIV client man­age­ment, viral load track­ing, and appoint­ment man­age­ment. Read more about the entire case study here.


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